Got a sore paw!

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself today. Which stupid two legged person invented barbed wire?

How was I to know there was some nasty sharp metal lurking around when I was sniffing rabbits….

Mum tried to chase me round the kitchen with some nasty salt water, once she realised that I had actually hurt myself and wasn't doing my "dying swan" act, as she calls it.  She said that I should be on the stage with the looks that I give her sometimes….

Anyhow, mum and I are just putting together our newsletter for this month. We are a bit behind, something called "school holidays" seems to have caused a few problems this week. Mum says we'll get back to normal next week (whatever normal is?) As long as I get my walks, some grub and a bit of love, that all I care about. For now, I'm going back to licking my poorly paw and feeling sorry for myself – it might get me a bit more gravy in my dinner tonight…….

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  1. Hope it doesn’t stop you walking and it’s better soon. We ended up buying some ruffwear griptrek boots which have come in handy a few times with minor cuts on paws. Keeps it clean and still allows short walks. Great in the snow too!

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