I love the Peak District!

I have been reminded this week, why I love the Peak District so much. You don't realise how much you appreciate something until it's not there. Having visited other parts of the country visiting friends over the festive break it has been brought home to me what a lovely place we live in.
The beautiful scenery which changes with the seasons. The fact that you can sling on a pair of scruffy walking boots, hat and coat and not feel a complete duck taking the dog for a walk! You simply blend into part of the walking scenery.
The fact that you can find a dog friendly pub or coffee shop without too much effort and sip a lovely cup of coffee, whilst reading the paper with the dog at your feet.
The endless walks that you can do, often from your front door.
Having visited the South recently, I am reminded how friendly Derbyshire folks are. You can strike up a conversation with anyone and find that you can have a laugh and joke with someone you've never met before.
Most of all, you can get around and about without having to worry about road congestion and rush hour! Stress levels are so much lower as a result.
Never again will I be concerned about not having shops and city type facilities around. I can order whatever i need on the Internet and have it delivered to my front door!
Roll on 2012, where I will find more exciting places to visit and admire with my dog at my feet.

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