Stupid Lampshade!

For those of you, who have been following my antics over the last couple of days, you will realise that I have had a poorly paw. Well actually it was the inside of my back leg, my mum thought it was my paw, as I was hobbling around to get a bit of sympathy….

Anyhow, during a bit of rough and tumble with the "little person" of the family, she spotted some gunk in my wound.  Off I was rushed to the V.E.T. 

After a great deal of licking and jumping around in excitement (me, not the V.E.T.) I was presented with some rather attractive headgear! Obviously, I tried to get it off, with a great deal of pawing, but it was not budging.Tilly and her lampshade
Mum has made a lot of fuss of me, and given me lots of hugs and cuddles, but the stupid thing still hasn't come off.  How I'm going to sleep in this thing is beyond me, but if I can't sleep, then nobody else is going to either. I'm going to make sure I bang into every object around the house, during the wee small hours, so that everyone knows how I feel.

Yours in misery……Tilly xxx


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